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BioTech USA

BioTech Vegan Protein 500g

BioTech Vegan Protein 500g

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Regular price €21,90 EUR
Regular price €21,90 EUR Sale price €21,90 EUR
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Based on rice and peas

Unlike animal-based varieties, plant-based foods are not complete sources of protein, meaning they do not contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs. But by supplementing (a combination of different plant protein sources) you can get a protein complex that is complete. With Vegan Protein, BioTech USA has achieved this by combining two protein sources that complement each other perfectly - rice protein, which is low in lysine but rich in sulfur-containing amino acids (such as cysteine ​​and methionine), and pea protein, which is lower in sulfur-containing amino acids , while it is rich in lysine. Additional extras have been added to this excellent foundation.

+ 3 types of superfood

Quinoa flour: This popular ingredient in health food was the mother of all grains for the ancient Incas, although it is only a “pseudo-grain.” It has a lower carbohydrate content than regular grains, but the protein content is higher (16%). It is also an excellent source of minerals as it contains potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Açaí berry powder: The açaí berry, which is native to the Amazon rainforest, has an excellent ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity - the international standard for the absorption capacity of oxygen radicals).

Goji Berry Powder: Goji berries (also known as wolfberries) have been used as an aphrodisiac in China for thousands of years. The tangy, bright red fruit, which tastes reminiscent of a mixture of cherry and blackberry, contains 8 essential amino acids and lots of vitamin C.

Product highlights:

  • Packaging with less plastic
  • Vegan protein complex (rice and peas) with additional functional amino acids
  • Sugar and lactose free*
  • Gluten free
  • Without preservative substances
  • Without dyes
  • GMO-free
  • Aspartame free
  • With 3 types of superfood
  • 88 mg caffeine per serving**

*Refers to shakes prepared with water.

**Refers to the Caffè Latte flavored product only.

A look at the numbers!

1 per serving (25 g):

  • 106 kcal
  • 19g protein

Additional amino acids:

  • 1,390 mg L-Glutamine
  • 650g L-Arginine

It is recommended if you:

  • you are vegetarian or vegan. Vegan Protein can be an excellent supplement to your protein intake, especially if you exercise; its plant protein content contributes to muscle growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
  • Are you looking for a plant-based alternative to milk-based proteins?
  • are lactose sensitive
  • suffer from celiac disease
  • If you like health food: it can be used excellently as a thickener for soups or vegetable casseroles
  • Recommended for those who are not only health conscious but also want to reduce plastic consumption
  • Like all BioTechUSA products, Vegan Protein consists of harmless and carefully selected ingredients

Recommended consumption:

Mix 1 portion (25 g = 3 flat tablespoons) of the powder with 250 ml of water. Consume this immediately after your workout. On non-training days, consume a shake in the afternoon. Use a shaker to prepare it.

Nutritional information:

Per 100g RM** (100g)

Per serving (25 g)

calorific value 1780 kJ 21% 445 kJ
422 kcal 21% 105 kcal
Fat 8.6g 12% 2.1g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 2.1g 10% 0.5g
carbohydrates 13g 5% 3.2g
- of which sugar <0.5g <1% <0.5g
fiber 3g 0.8g
protein 72g 144% 18g
Salt 1.8g 30% 0.45g

**Reference intake for an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal).


Pea protein isolate, rice protein, L-glutamine, flavor enhancer (glycine and its sodium salt), L-arginine, flavors, emulsifier: lecithin (soy), quinoa flour 1.6%, thickener (carrageenan, cellulose gum), goji berry powder 1.1% , Acai berry powder 0.6%, table salt, acidulant (citric acid), sweetener (sucralose).

A notice: Manufactured in a factory where Milk , egg , gluten , soy , shellfish , Sulfur dioxide and nuts to be edited.

Average added amino acid content in 1 serving/ (25g): L-Glutamine 1390 mg, L-Arginine 650 mg.


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  Pro 100 g RM** (100 g)

Pro Portion (25 g)

Brennwert 1780 kJ 21 % 445 kJ
  422 kcal 21 % 105 kcal
Fett 8,6 g 12 % 2,1 g
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 2,1 g 10 % 0,5 g
Kohlenhydrate 13 g 5 % 3,2 g
- davon Zucker < 0,5 g < 1 % < 0,5 g
Ballaststoffe 3 g   0,8 g
Eiweiß 72 g 144 % 18 g
Salz 1,8 g 30 % 0,45 g

**Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400 kJ/2000 kcal).


Erbsenproteinisolat, Reisprotein, L-Glutamin, Geschmacksverstärker (Glycin und dessen Natriumsalz), L-Arginin, Aromen, Emulgator: Lecithine (Soja), Quinoa Mehl 1,6%, Verdickungsmittel (Carrageen, Cellulosegummi), Goji Beeren Pulver 1,1%, Acai Beeren Pulver 0,6%, Speisesalz, Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure), Süßungsmittel (Sucralose). 

Hinweis: Hergestellt in einem Betrieb, in dem Milch, Ei, Gluten, Soja, Schalentiere, Schwefeldioxid und Nüsse bearbeitet werden.

Durchschnittlicher zugesetzte Aminosäurengehalt in 1 Portion/ (25 g): L-Glutamin 1390 mg, L-Arginin 650 mg

*Bezieht sich auf fertig mit Wasser zubereitete Shakes.

**Bezieht sich nur auf das Produkt mit Caffè-Latte-Geschmack.

Ein Blick auf die Zahlen!

1 Pro Portion (25 g ):

  • 106 kcal
  • 19 g Protein

Zusätzliche Aminosäuren:

  • 1.390 mg L-Glutamin
  • 650 g L-Arginin

Es ist empfehlenswert, wenn du:

  • Vegetarier oder Veganer bist. Vegan Protein kann hervorragend deine Proteinzufuhr ergänzen, vor allem wenn du Sport treibst; sein pflanzlicher Proteingehalt trägt zum Muskelwachstum und zum Erhalt der Muskelmasse bei.
  • eine pflanzliche Alternative für milchbasierte Proteine suchst
  • laktoseempfindlich bist
  • unter Zöliakie leidest
  • Reformküche magst: es kann hervorragend als Verdickungsmittel für Suppen oder Gemüseaufläufe verwendet werden
  • Empfohlen für diejenigen, die nicht nur gesundheitsbewusst sind, sondern auch den Plastikverbrauch reduzieren möchten
  • Wie alle Produkte von BioTechUSA besteht Vegan Protein aus unbedenklichen und sorgfältig ausgesuchten Inhaltsstoffen


Mische 1 Portion (25 g = 3 flache Esslöffel) des Pulvers mit 250 ml Wasser. Verzehre dies sofort nach dem Workout. An trainingsfreien Tagen verzehre einen Shake am Nachmittag. Verwende für die Zubereitung einen Shaker.
