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Sinob Complete Mobility forte 474g

Sinob Complete Mobility forte 474g

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Our interpretation of a joint soup. Cissus, MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, frankincense, bromelain... the list is long and as you know from BlackLine 2.0, everything is dosed correctly again. If you suffer from joint problems, tendon problems or even osteoarthritis, this product could be your new friend.

Each can contains 21 daily portions of approx. 25 g each. Since most of the ingredients have to be divided into several portions per day, we quickly decided on the following intake schedule.

You drink 7.5g three times a day with approx. 50-250ml of water. Morning, midday and early evening. We realize that you would prefer to only think about it once a day, but it should work and we have to leave marketing out of it. By the way, the nutrient density of the product can only be indirectly compared to a glass of orange juice.

The Spiced Orange flavor comes pretty close. Did you know that we use real orange juice powder and not artificial flavor? Now yes!

Complete Mobility forte is the first product that is also aimed directly at older people. Many people with joint problems can benefit significantly from taking it and thus “beautify” their everyday lives and make life worth living again.

Blackline 2.0 Complete Mobility forte - Our interpretation of a joint sup. Cissus, MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, frankincense, bromelain? the list is long and as you know from BlackLine 2.0, everything is neatly dosed. If you suffer from joint problems, tendon problems or even osteoarthritis, this product could be your new friend.

The Spiced Orange flavor is pretty accurate. Did you know that we use real orange fruit juice powder and not an unnatural flavor? Now yes!

Complete Mobility forte is the first product that is aimed directly at older people. Many people with joint problems can benefit significantly from taking it, improving their everyday lives and making life worth living again.

Serving: Daily dose (22.6g)
Servings per pack:20

Note on nutritional supplements

The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. The product is not suitable for pregnant women and children. Keep away from children!

Glycine, Asthisamharaka herb extract 5:1 (Cissus quadrangularis), D-glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride, methylsulfonylmethane, aroma, acidulant: citric acid, frankincense powder (Boswellia serrata), chondroitin sulfate, L-ascorbic acid, orange fruit juice powder (Citrus sinensis), devil's claw powder (Harpagophytum procumbens) , nettle leaf extract 10:1 (Urtica dioica, contains 2% silicon dioxide), color: beta-carotene, pine bark extract (Pinus massoniana Lamb., contains 95% proanthocyanidins), bromelain, sweetener: sucralose, ginger root extract (Zingiber of cinale, contains 5% gingerols), black pepper fruit extract 25:1 (Piper Nigrum) (contains 95% piperine), manganese sulfate.
Nutritional information:
per serving % Daily Requirement
energy 155kj/37kcal
saturated with it
carbohydrates 1.7g
of which sugar 0.22g
protein 0.1g
Asthisamharaka herbal extract 5:1 (Cissus Quadrangularis) 2800 mg
D-glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride (from crustaceans) 1500 mg
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 1500 mg
Frankincense powder (Boswellia Serrata) 1200 mg
Chondroitin sulfate 1000 mg
- Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) 1000 mg
- Devil's claw powder (Harpagophytum Procumbens) 500 mg
Nettle leaf extract 10:1 (2% silicon dioxide) 450 mg
-of which silicon dioxide 9 mg
Pine bark extract (95% proanthocyanidin) 200 mg
Ginger rootstock extract (5% gingerols) 35 mg
black pepper fruit extract 25:1 (95% piperine) 31 mg
- of which piperine 30 mg
Manganese sulfate 5 mg
*%RDA = percentage of the recommended daily intake (based on a daily requirement of 2000 calories)
Storage & Usage Instructions:
Store the product tightly closed, cool and dry. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
Manufacturer data:
#sinob GmbH, Hamburger Straße 2-6, 22946 Grande

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Glycin, Asthisamharaka-Krautextrakt 5:1 (Cissus quadrangularis), D-Glucosaminsulfat-Kaliumchlorid, Methylsulfonylmethan, Aroma, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, Weihrauchpulver (Boswellia serrata), Chondroitinsulfat, L-Ascorbinsäure, Orangenfruchtsaftpulver (Citrus sinensis), Teufelskrallenpulver (Harpagophytum procumbens), Brennessel-Blattextrakt 10:1 (Urtica dioica, enthält 2 % Siliciumdioxid), Farbstoff: beta-Carotin, Pinien-Rindenextrakt (Pinus massoniana Lamb., enthält 95 % Proanthocyanidine), Bromelain, Süßungsmittel: Sucralose, Ingwer-Wurzelstockextrakt (Zingiber of cinale, enthält 5 % Gingerole), schwarzer Pfeffer-Fruchtextrakt 25:1 (Piper Nigrum) (enthält 95 % Piperin), Mangansulfat.
  pro Portion % Tägl. Bedarf
Energie 155kj/37kcal  
davon gesättigte    
Kohlenhydrate 1,7 g  
davon Zucker 0,22 g  
Protein 0,1 g  
Asthisamharaka-Kräuterextrakt 5:1 (Cissus Quadrangularis) 2800 mg  
D-Glucosaminsulfat-Kaliumchlorid (aus Krebstieren) 1500 mg  
Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) 1500 mg  
Weihrauchpulver (Boswellia Serrata) 1200 mg  
Chondroitinsulfat 1000 mg  
- Vitamin C (L-Ascorbinsäure) 1000 mg  
- Teufelskrallenpulver (Harpagophytum Procumbens) 500 mg  
Brennessel-Blattextrakt 10:1 (2% Siliciumdioxid) 450 mg  
-davon Siliciumdioxid 9 mg  
Pinien-Rindenextrakt (95% Proanthocyanidin) 200 mg  
Ingwer-Wurzelstockextrakt (5% Gingerole) 35 mg  
schwarzer Pfeffer-Fruchtextrakt 25:1 (95% Piperin) 31 mg  
- davon Piperin 30 mg  
Mangansulfat 5 mg  
*%RDA = prozentualer Anteil der empfohlenen Tagesverzehrmenge (basiert auf einem Tagesbedarf von 2000 Kalorien)    

Jede Dose enthält 21 Tagesportionen à ca. 25 g. Da die meisten Inhaltsstoffe auf mehrere Portionen pro Tag verteilt werden müssen, haben wir uns kurzerhand für folgendes Einnahmeschema entschieden.

Man trinkt 3x täglich 7,5g mit ca. 50-250ml Wasser. Morgens, mittags und am frühen Abend. Uns ist klar, dass du am liebsten nur einmal am Tag daran denken würdest, aber es soll ja auch wirken und da müssen wir das Marketing mal außen vor lassen. Übrigens ist das Produkt von der Nährstoffdichte nur indirekt mit einem Glas Orangensaft zu vergleichen.

Portion:Tagesdosis (22,6g)
Portionen pro Packung:20

Hinweis zu Nahrungsergänzungen

Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung verwendet werden. Das Produkt ist für Schwangere und Kinder nicht geeignet. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern lagern.


Aufbewahrungs- & Verwendungshinweis:
Das Produkt fest verschlossen, kühl und trocken lagern. Vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung und Frost schützen.
#sinob GmbH, Hamburger Straße 2-6, 22946 Grande